Salvor Projects Swings Into Fashion Week

Last night Salvor Projects drew a sizable (and stylish) crowd to its Fall presentation in West Chelsea – blizzard be damned. Recent Ecco Domani award winner Ross Menuez deviated from standard runway procedure, instead showing his edgy silkscreened separates on models suspended from the ceiling in illuminated plastic swings. A former industrial designer, Menuez put together every aspect of the show – from the hand-dyed leggings and tops, to the video installation, trance music and set pieces. The trippy backdrop and colorful lighting gave the effect that the six models were dangling in mid-air. It was one of the cooler fashion presentations we've seen in while, though Salvor Projects made certain to bring substance with the style. The jersey blend pieces were swirled, zigzagged, and splattered with beautiful color. Our picks: a black, rose and gold graphic print top that resembled a nighttime cityscape and a pair of electric blue and black herringbone pattern leggings.

February 2010
Paper Magazine


Fashion Scout: Mandy Coon


Sounds Like Ralph Lauren