Word of Mouth: Like the Spice

May we suggest some artistic flavor for your weekend? Try visiting Like the Spice, the Williamsburg gallery currently featuring a vibrant collection of abstract photograms entitled "Synaesthesia." By placing various objects directly onto or above photographic paper, then exposing them to light and magnifying the results, artist Nicole Stager has created a spectacular array of saturated color, lightness and movement. While the photograms emanate warmth and openness, their methodology and the uncertainty of their sources gives them air of mystery, too. Where we saw a melting ice cube or drops of blood, you will likely see something entirely different.

As this month's featured artist, Stager celebrated with collectors, gallerists, fellow artists and friends last Friday night at Like the Spice's Monthly Dinner Series. Director and owner Marisa Sage established the monthly meals as an opportunity for art enthusiasts to share their perspectives over fine wine and a full course meal. Each month, the dinners attract a dynamic crowd of varying ages, professions and backgrounds. Stager answered questions about her pieces and the photogram process, and in the spirit of fabled creative gatherings, absinthe was flowing freely throughout the night.

October 2008
Paper Magazine


Word of Mouth: Lynn Goldsmith's 'The Looking Glass'


Isabel Toledo: Fashion From the Inside Out