Big Screen: ‘Love Kills Demons’

How does an artist move forward without forsaking his past? Take something he’s already made and give it new meaning? Over the course of one year, filmmaker Jim Helton documented New York-based artist Chris Rubino as he explored these paradigms and new direction in his work.

A sweeping tribute to art, romance and inspiration in Williamsburg.

The final 12-part short film, “Love Kills Demons,” is a sweeping tribute to art, romance and inspiration. Peering behind the artist’s studio doors, we watch Rubino’s screenprinting, painting and drawing come to life. We see his old posters snipped and screened anew. We wander with him through Williamsburg ‘hood, spying unexpected beauty and scribbling little love notes.

First-rate cinematography and deft editing take Rubino’s colorful work to lush new levels. Add to that the otherworldly sounds of Big Blood’s accompaniment and this short film series is a downright feast for the senses.

January 2011
Lo Martin


Fashion Scout: Swash


Shop of the Week: Lanvin